# Installation Checklist

The following checklist provides the basic steps for connecting, mounting and configuring a Boreas unit.

  1. Plug the power supply into the power connector on the IO breakout cable and then into the wall socket. See Power Supply (opens new window).

  2. Plug the IO breakout cable into the IO connector on the Boreas unit. See IO Connection (opens new window) and Cable Bend Radius (opens new window).

  3. Connect to Boreas using one of the following methods:

    1. # Ethernet

      1. Connect either the MIL-DTL-38999 Series III terminated cable or a standard Cat5e Ethernet cable from the Ethernet socket on the Boreas unit to your network or switch. A standard Ethernet cable will not be IP67 rated, and using the cable may cause damage to the unit due to environmental factors. See Ethernet Connection (opens new window) and Cable Bend Radius (opens new window)
      2. If using Windows, download and install the Bonjour ZeroConf networking utility from the link https://www.advancednavigation.com/Bonjour64.msi (opens new window).
      3. In a web browser, navigate to http://boreas.local (opens new window).
    2. # RS232

      1. Connect the USB to RS232 / RS422 adaptor cable to the Primary port and your computer. The factory default setting is RS232. Check that the mode switch is at the correct setting.

      2. Java 11 is required to run Boreas Manager.
        Adoptium JRE 11 is the recommended Java installer to be used on all platforms. Install the latest version of Java 11 from Adoptium (opens new window), selecting the correct operating system and architecture for your computer.

      3. Download Boreas Manager from the Boreas (opens new window) product page of the Advanced Navigation website.

        Note: Boreas Manager is only available for systems with x64 architecture

      4. Double click Boreas Manager to start the application. See Using Boreas Manager (opens new window) for specific notes for different platforms

      5. Select the correct COM port.

      6. Select the Baud Rate. The default baud rate is 115200 bps.

      7. Click Connect. If you are unable to connect, see Troubleshooting (opens new window).

  4. Mount the unit in the standard alignment of X+ pointing forward and Z+ pointing down. For more information, see Mounting Alignment (opens new window).

  5. Choose a Vehicle Profile in the Filter Options (opens new window) screen under the Configuration menu. This should be the closest available match to your vehicle type. If you need more information, contact Support at support@advancednavigation.com.

  6. Check that all filters are initialised. See Filter Initialisation (opens new window).

    The system is now ready for use.

1.   按照第8.2节中的指南将模组安全地安装到车载上。

2.   按照第8.3节中的指南安装两个GNSS天线,然后将天线电缆连接到 DETA100系列 的MCX接口。如果两个天线未安装在主前和辅后的标准配置中,则安装误差角需要进入配套的上位机软件中进行设置。

3.   给 DETA100系列 模组电源线接口提供直流电源,输入电压为5v-18v,或者直接通过ttl转usb(232转USB模块)供电。

4.   将 DETA100系列 模组主接口上的ttl转usb(232转USB模块)与计算机连接,同时打开上位机软件 FDIGroundStation,然后点击 connect 按钮连接,默认波特率为921600bps。

5.   如果 DETA100系列 模组的X轴安装方向与车载前进方向存在偏移,则需要将此偏移输入到上位机的参数表中进行设置。有关详细信息,请参见第10.8节。

6.   测量GNSS主天线的相位中心到 DETA100系列 模组中心的杆臂(模组坐标系下),并将这些值输入到上位机的参数表中进行设置。请注意,无论GNSS双天线和 DETA100系列 模组如何安装在车载上,车身轴始终为X轴正向前和Z轴正向下,Y轴与X轴垂直并指向右。距离很近的话可以忽略。

7.   选择上位机中的运动模型从而决定是否开启非完整性约束。

8.   4G 版本需要用户在模组侧边 SIM 卡槽中插入物联网卡,同时通过侧边 usb 连接电脑配置差分账号,具体使用说明见《差分修正系统配置软件使用手册》,注意主接口需要供电,usb不具备供电能力。

9.   该系统现在已准备好可以使用了。